Make a wise investment in the future of your dog.
A personalised facility owned and under the personal supervision of
Beth Babbin.A.Dip.CBM(CL) UK
Advanced Diploma Canine Behavioural Management (with honours) Compass UK
Beth Babbin – A.Dip.CBM(CL) UK
My formal involvement with dogs spans in excess of 40 years, but informally I have owned a variety of breeds of dogs from an early age. I have been involved in many aspects of the working disciplines as well as the showing and breeding of dogs. Today I share my life with two dogs – a Labrador cross and a Greyhound… During 2012 I lost my last rescue Jack Russell – Kerno, at the age of 15 years. He was a very special dog and little did I know that in addition to having saved my life and the impact he had to my understanding of behaviour together with the amount he taught me with regards certain specific problems, pertaining to the terrain breeds.
My formal involvement in Obedience commenced with my participation in tests with my first Dobermann. Due to a genetic skeletal problem in the bitch concerned this had to be curtailed. As we were only allowed two dogs and my husband was working his, I was faced with the fact that it would be some years before I would again have a dog with which to compete. This lead to my involvement in the teaching aspect of training.
I am the owner of the Kelkylo affix and under this banner made up several Dobermann Breed Champions, one of which was home bred.
I have trained dogs and handlers to the highest level of competition – Kennel Union Championship status – from Obedience to Working Trials, Carting and the Breed ring to Dog Jumping and Agility (international status).
I am the only trainer to have been involved with The World of Dogs & Cats (WODAC – the largest animal education exhibition in Africa) since its inception in 1996. This involvement being the Heelwork to Music Obedience display, Carting displays, Puppy Obedience displays and more recently the Dogs of the World Parade®. I have also been instrumental in the running of the KUSA Canine Good Citizen Test and the WODAC Silver and Gold Good Citizen Tests at this event.
In addition I have trained dogs for both stage and television and have participated in radio interviews and had articles published in the print media.
I am fortunate to have been able to work with, and attend courses both in SA and overseas, conducted by leading experts in the fields of both training and animal behaviour. At the opposite ends of the scale these included working with people such as Barbara Woodhouse and Bill Kohler – and as a result of the hours of debating the options with colleagues in attempting to determine right from wrong this has lead to a wide base of knowledge and understanding. I can therefore, and do, offer a variety of methods and assess each owner and the animal individually to ascertain the best method for that animal taking into account his/her special requirements and circumstances.
There is no substitute for the years of experience, knowledge and training that I can offer.
I was also privileged to be a guest of the then head of Obedience and Working Trials at the Kennel Club (UK) and through his good offices not only attended Crufts (the worlds largest dog show held annually in the UK) but was introduced to the Yorkshire Constabulary to meet with the ‘body dog’ team and to attend training at a commercial facility training dogs to detect drugs, but also leaks in underground oil pipelines.
With this interest in dogs I have kept abreast of all developments and trends, both in dog training and the behavioural aspect, that have over the years changed immensely. I firmly believe ‘that behind every successful dog trainer is a behaviourist’. I have recently been appointed ambassador for South Africa for the International Society for Animal Professionals to promote the aims and objectives of that organisation with the emphasis on ethical behaviour. Enquiries in regard to ISAP are welcomed.
Qualifications can in many instances not only be misleading, but they also serve to create a possibly false impression, and care must be taken in the evaluation of these.
My qualifications are:
Advanced Diploma Canine Behavioural Management (with distinction) UK
(This qualification meets the academic requirement of the UKRCB (UK Registry of Canine Behaviourists) and is provided by Compass Education and Training, Britain’s most widely approved and recognised private provider of animal courses).
Kennel Union of Southern Africa.
Animal Behaviour Consultants SA
MIACE-based on my UK qualification I was invited to become a member of the Institute for Animal Care Education.
Full member – ISAP – International Society for Animal Professionals
Presidential Citation from the Kennel Union of SA for my services to dogdom.
Honorary Life membership Dobermann Club of Natal
However, the highest accolade I have possibly received is the QBE (qualified by experience) awarded by an internationally recognised trainer, co-author of leading dog books and behaviourist, Patricia Holden-White, based on having worked with her both in SA and the UK.
I am most appreciative of the help and support that I continue to receive from my husband, David, not only in the instructing of classes but in my endeavours to continue my studies and the application of animal behaviour.
As a group of people my team of helpers covers the main aspects of accepted dog activities – from competition obedience and working trials to agility and carting, dancing and TT (Tellington Touch) to show training and therapy as well as being breeders and judges. Their personal knowledge and practical experience is invaluable and in many instances irreplaceable. Where applicable all standards referred to are those applied by the Kennel Union of SA (KUSA).